.. P A P E R S I P .. concept





At present, getting water or any other beverage from a dispenser is convenient when we must have fluids or when we are thirsty. But... are we sure that nobody else drank from the same cup? And what if he or she was ill or left some toxic residuum? Those who drink from these plastic or polystyrene conventional cups might ask themselves the same questions. In addition, they must know that they are exposed to various risks, from catching a cold to more serious diseases to ingesting strange substances.
Why does this happen? Because the traditional plastic or polystyrene cups that are used are not entirely disposable, since when they are not discarded properly, they may be reused, thus violating basic hygiene norms. As a result of this, the purity of the liquid that we swallow can be affected. On the other hand, cups are often scarce, so the consumer cannot make use of the service provided, with the logical annoyance that this generates.

Because of all the above, we have created PAPERSIP. In order to take care of the consumer’s health and hygiene and "to increase" the benefit that both the organization and the supplier of the beverages offer to him. In order to not only quench your thirst, but also to assure protection and to add value to the performance of the companies and the organizations that offer this service.

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